Dawson City Media Cooperative representing individual video producers/artists
DAWSON ON DCTV is a special broadcast of works by local video producers and artists on community cable television. Dawson City Media Cooperative curated and arranged the presentation of local film programming for broadcast on the Dawson City cable network during the 2021 YRAF weekend. Following up from the successful pilot project last summer, they put out a call for both new and old works by local video producers and film makers of all ages. As well, they had a physical installation on the window of Madame Tremblay’s boutique that showed the videos on a loop throughout the weekend.
Film list
Sock Hop
Suzanne Crocker
Danny Dowhal
Last Dance
Krista Davis
Balcony mix
Meg Walker
Her Man Plan
Lulu Keating
The Slide
Dan Sokolowski
George Black Ferry
Karen MacKay
Exercises in Being Close to You: A Story for the Arctic Refuge
Krista Davis
Pandemic Delusions & Meaningful Messages
William Hunter Kendrick
The Klondike Viking
Lulu Keating
About the Artist
Dawson City Media Cooperative is a group of content producers and practitioners working together to foster video and film production as well as contribute to community television in the Klondike. The DCMC is a registered Yukon cooperative association.